We could all use a little positivity right now. All anyone, including the news can talk about is COVID-19. Things can seem scary with no end in sight. Personally, in any bleak situation, I always look for the good. And when I have good news I want to share it with others. Since we are all social distancing right now, that can be difficult. So this post isn’t going to be about compression garments, it is going to be all about good news from around the world. I invite you to share your good news with us and others who might need a pick me up in the comments below. We can create our own community of good things right here!
After the storm there will be a rainbow
I saw something similar in my own neighborhood with Shamrocks on St. Patrick’s Day earlier this week. It gave us an opportunity to do something creative and then take a walk and count them. Now, families all over the world are putting rainbows in their window with uplifting messages, even celebrities are getting in on spreading the positivity! Get in on the action and spread some colorful cheer in your own community.
Penguin field frip
If you haven’t already heard about this, then I highly suggest watching the video. After Chicago’s Shedd Aquarium closed its doors to visitors due to coronavirus fears, aquarium staffers let the Penguins out of their habitat to explore.
Coming to a balcony or porch near you
Musicians from Ohio to Italy have been putting on free concerts for their neighbors. Step out on your porch or balcony and maybe you will find one in your neighborhood. The image above is from a coworker whose neighborhood is getting in on spreading the joy!
A golden unicorn?
This adorable golden retriever pup was left with one ear after an accident at birth and has now become an Instagram sensation!
Every good wedding has a llama in a tuxedo
A college student told his sister years ago that he would bring a llama to her wedding and made good on that promise!
Landlord tells tenants to pay staff instead of rent
An Arkansas property owner who owns a number of restaurants is helping ease the financial burden faced by many restaurants and food service workers. An announcement went out that they would not expect rent to be paid in April and instead encourages using the money to help their staff.
More pets in formal wear
A New Jersey boy has been helping dogs look elegant and get adopted since 2017 and is now expanding his efforts to help area cats find homes.
To get a daily dose of good news, check out Good News Network, MSN or the Today Show.
Now it’s your turn, what’s bringing a smile to your face today? Tell us in the comments below!
Or - head over to our social media accounts! We’re going to be posting staff and customer stories every day.
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